Orange Ombre Block

Join the Movement for Educational Justice and Reclaim the Promise of Public Education.

Educational justice is about ensuring that every student has access to quality education, regardless of their background.

Join the movement for change today.
Uniting to Transform Public Ed Button

On March 4th, 2025 teachers, students, school staff, and community members held over 2,000 actions nationwide to #ProtectOurKids.


The Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools (AROS) is an unprecedented alliance of parent, youth, community and labor organizations that together represent over 7 million people nationwide.

Advancement Project Logo
Alliance for Educational Justice Logo
The Popular Center for Democracy Logo
National Education Association Logo
AFT Logo
Communities for Just Schools Fund
EJROC at NYC Metro Center Logo
Journey for Justice Alliance Logo
Heal Together Logo
Schott Foundation Logo
A Call to Action:

Our schools belong to all of us: the students who learn in them, the parents who support them, the educators and staff who work in them and the communities that they anchor. 

No longer will we allow ourselves to be divided. We have developed these principles and are committed to working together to achieve the policies and practices that they represent. 

Reforms that disregard our voices, and attempt to impose a system of winners and losers, must end. None of our children deserve to be collateral damage. We call on our communities, and commit the power of the organizations that we represent, to pursue these principles in our schools, districts and states.

Together, we will work nationally to make this vision of public education a reality.

Yellow Star
Take Action
Demonstration Photo with Moms and Teachers holding a sign that says "I Stand with KY Teachers"